Thursday, January 12, 2006

Does Pat Robertson Speak for You?

Time for Christians to draw a line in the sand. Please go to the Cornerstone Festival site and vote (plus leave comments) on whether Pat Robertson speaks for you...


tully said...

No, but he is a good man and I still have respect for him. Unfortunately, Robertson seemed to have placed theology before decency in this case, but his motives were probably just to provoke theological discussion on the subject. What he said was outrageous, and inexcusable, and he should probably retire soon.

Marty Phillips said...

Does Nagin speak for you? Seems He knows who God is after too.

Anonymous said...

Hey there. Unsure how else to reach you but in the spirit of your blog, I thought of you when I saw this book.

Jon Trott said...

Let me try to re-input your tag, anonymous...

Crunchy Cons.

From what I note of the book, it looks mildly interesting... but at present any book that the National Review likes may not be one I'll dig. I'll keep my eye out for it, though...