Christian lefties such as myself are reminded this morning of the need to pray for those with whom we disagree. Vice President Dick Cheney is experiencing abnormal heart rhythm, and is headed to George Washington University Hospital. Mr. Cheney has had four heart attacks in the past. This episode is not a heart attack, but was detected during a checkup. I urge all Christians to pray for Vice President Cheney today. [CNN] Update: Mr. Cheney is back at work and plans on a visit to his doctors tonight.
I really gotta know, why do you have to be Christian or catholic to run for office. Show me ONE president, sentator or otherwise being christian or cathloic that hasn't broken all the rules then I ask you what is wrong with being Pagan orrrr....Athiest? If Dick has a heart problem you can chalk it up to KARMA, as in what goes around comes around. --Joe
You are more generous than I am. I am reminded of Proverbs 25:21-25 where giving aid to your enemy is likened to heaping hot coals on his head. Cheney has been responsible for the deaths of 100,000s of innocent people in Iraq & Afghanistan. I pray that his death is a tortured and painful process in which he suffers a lot. Since the Bible claims revenge only for God, that is my prayer from my lips to God's ear.
Anonymous ("Joe") wrote:
"I really gotta know, why do you have to be Christian or catholic to run for office. Show me ONE president, sentator or otherwise being christian or cathloic that hasn't broken all the rules then I ask you what is wrong with being Pagan orrrr....Athiest?"
Atheist, Pagan, Muslim, Christian... a political candidate should be judged on their actions and political philosophy. So I agree with that point.
But this I have issues with:
If Dick has a heart problem you can chalk it up to KARMA, as in what goes around comes around.
Sigh... as a Christian, I believe that Grace, not Karma, lies at the center of things. And Grace does not give me what I deserve... I deserve to reap every inch of what I've sown. So, when it comes to judging Dick Cheney in the scale of Eternity, that's a job I'd like to leave with God. And I hope Mr. Cheney encounters Grace.
Anonymous (second poster) writes:
You are more generous than I am. I am reminded of Proverbs 25:21-25 where giving aid to your enemy is likened to heaping hot coals on his head.
But what are those coals for? They are to aid the other in encountering Grace (Agape Love), which "burns" as it convicts them of their faults and sins. They are not to destroy or crush the enemy, but to aid him / her in repentance.
You write further,
Cheney has been responsible for the deaths of 100,000s of innocent people in Iraq & Afghanistan. I pray that his death is a tortured and painful process in which he suffers a lot. Since the Bible claims revenge only for God, that is my prayer from my lips to God's ear.
I, too, believe that he is guilty of the unspeakable crime of a false war in Iraq, and those who have died there (Iraqi and American). Yet again, I tremble for him, not against him. I wish him in his personal, eternal existence only Grace. There is no other thing a Christian should wish on someone's eternality.
On 9/11 I wept in pain, rage, and initially prayed imprecatory Psalms against Osama bin Laden and his crew. Yet I continued praying, knowing that those prayers were not enough, not complete. And though I still prayed (and pray) we find him, I also pray that he finds Grace -- in the Eternal sense of that word. There is no one outside of Grace except those who refuse to enter into it, and for me to pray anyone would choose such an option flies against everything I know of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Yah.. while we keep "praying" that we find Osama bin Laden, millions and millions of more little Osamas are being bred in Iraq for every family member that gets killed, raped, injured, or loses a job.
Let us all pray for Uptown.
Let us all pray that Helen Shiller doesn't turn our community into Robert Taylor north.
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